The Keepsake's of Pearls & Family Heirlooms

The history of family heirlooms is enriched with pearls,precious jewels and treasured keepsakes. Family jewels were more than just a fashion statement, but a way a life. A way of showing your status in the world and heritage. As time has passed the tradition of sharing a families favorite jeweled pieces still continues throughout the world. Some common keepsakes are fresh water pearls and hand painted pendants. A style of jewelry that can last a lifetime. In some cultural circles the pearl necklace, is known as the Queen of Gems, "Grandmas Pearls" or the classiest way to style your wardrobe. Beautiful fresh water pearls are worn by women in weddings, classic films and on diverse special occasions. 

The history of pearls goes back thousands of years and can be found is many regions such as Tanzania in Africa, Persian Gulf  and as far as China. Pearls are known as the oldest gem in the world. The Persian Gulf is known as the center of the pearl trade industry due to its abundance of oyster beds along the regions. Before the discover of oil wealth, pearls were the first form of traded treasures by the Arab culture. Along with China being the largest producer of pearls today. 

I can continue to write so much about how ancient jewels meant so much to many ancestors and played a great part in their spirituality,traditions and family history. So next time you receive pearls from a loved one, treasure it and pass it on to your descendants. If you would like to learn more about pearls in the old world go to the Jewellry Editor.
