"Finding My True Love"

Today I will not write about art,jewelry,business or even a poetry. I want to talk about being in love,as this will be the most amazing revealing post I have ever written. As an artist I look for everything as a inspiration for being creative. But most of all, I design out of love and the desire to open up dialogue in connecting heritage to the youth of today and healing of the broken hearts. I am aging gracefully now and have been focusing on my future love interest,my king, so I recently began my search. But I do know for a fact that we were both searching at the same time. Of course this will not be like a trip to Walmart, going down the isle's looking for the best brand's. It is more like having my true destiny revealed and the love of my life holding the keys to the deep parts of my spiritual treasure.....which is the heart

These days I am feeling awakened and so excited to share my world with him. I am totally understanding the meaning of a"soul mate" and seeing my king as my best friend. Oh and having those internal butterflies flutter across my core. I am feeling this more & more, as this love is removing my true maturity and turning me into this childlike woman, and it is amazing! I find myself being sillier than usual and now dancing on any unreasonable surfaces. (she smiles)

I wanted to dedicate this post to Craig and tell you that I truly love you & thank you for inspiring me. In addition to adding so much laughter that I feel greedy and giving me the ability to share more , forgive more,find the true meaning of simplicity and for making me a better woman. So go on and wear that crown my love..you deserve it!

So for all the women who are reading this..go find your king, or at least open up the light within your heart so he can find you.
