I Am the Resurrected

Wake up dry bones and hear the cry of those forgotten
Remember their voices, their written words down trodden
You are here so they rise once more to forever stand
From generation to generation from oceans to lands
Whenever there's a birth we live to live again
From child to Woman to child to Man
I am the resurrected, from my ancestors once more
They never left anything, just the keys to open doors
To what you say, more like to what you hear
Time is just time and the word near is just fear
Stand up and proclaim the warm blood in your veins
New bodies, old souls, same seasons and same rain
May the seeds you plant fall deeply to good ground
Let the drums regain its beat and the songs regain their sounds
I am the resurrected, no shame, no tremble and no errors to repeat
Molded from power and love, from my head to my feet
I have joy, I have smiles, and I am deep dark shades that say me
I am full of grace, calm mood, sound mind and natural creativity
To My mother’s earth to my Fathers spirit I am made
Together I can exist, transform to just about any shade
Love, love love, this word thrown up, down and all around
When truly understood, how content it can be found
Know yourself, your neighbor, a stranger, your world and your town
To know who you are, is to know nothing will ever get you down
I am the resurrected from the past and here today
May these words touch your heart and as for now that is all I can say


Monique R. Zhang
