"From Mother To Daughter"

The day you were born so many tears I my eyes needed to shed
My womb travailed in pain and this is what I said
“The gift I desired is has been brought upon the earth”!
Such a beautiful angel chosen that I’ve been chosen to give birth
Taken away in refuge for just a little while
No matter what happens in this world you will always be my child
I love you and I miss you no matter where you are
I looked to the sky at night a named you from a star
The day I hold you in my arms my joy becomes a cry
The memories of letting you go you’ll remember the reason why
Forgive me if can and anger if you need
I believed in the greatest power that you were made to succeed
My daughter you are my love, my heart and light my world
You are growing into women now but in my spirit you will be my little girl
To my daughter I send protection to give you strength to endure
As you heart remains so clear, it too remains so pure
