"The Amazing World of Oil & Gas"

Well another year has come and it's now time for the 2008 OTC (Offshore Oil/Gas Technology Conference)! I am off to enjoy the many challenges and diverse contacts within the community of oil & gas, in addition to energy based products on May 5 thru May 8. It would honestly take me an entire book to describe the many things I've learned, the diverse opportunities of international travels, with enjoyment of meeting amazing people from around the world. This wonderful event takes place in the oil enriched area of Houston, Texas U.S.A. Almost every country invested in energy sends their highly trained team members and truly experienced outspoken representative to sell their products, or to buy needed persuasive goods. In addition to those sent only to negotiate and achieve the goal of extending existing contracts in hopes of forming stronger business relationships.

With so many changes that have happened over the past few years, within the energy sector of the world, I can only wonder what new things I will learn. Such as, the many conversations consisting of the when, where and how’s of imports/exports, (oil that is). I will once again enjoy maneuvering through the crowds with my childlike surge of energy, while noticing the serious faces of the major executives and those connected to the political arena. I will never forget the very moment I saw the most elaborate designed helicopter invented just for oil rigs in case of any emergency rescue efforts, for crew members or equipment during a offshore storm. So amazing! I even laughed a little as I witnessed so many conservative men in suits climbing into this parked shiny machine,with such a great wonder. This was a pleasant surprise to see them in their ambiance of youth and passionate hunger for such an amazing new toy. It is always nice to know even those who have our travels and energy needs in their hands can smile while perusing safety measures.

I am sure your are wondering what I do in the midst of this big world. Well in a brief statement, I am in the negotiation sector of international trade relations and business communications for energy based companies. But the honest truth my loved ones, is that, I truly enjoy being around those highly esteemed professionals of Chemists, P.H.D's, Scientist, Investors and Economist. In addition to those who work so hard to produce, refine,store and risk their lives for such treasures beneath the earth. But of course, nothing can take me away from my love of simplicity, the world of art and designing my very own elaborate new toys, that I now desire to share (smiling like a little girl).

I will now start preparing intensively for my trips into the adventurous world of oil & gas. I will certainly keep you all posted on my travels and those to come. I will soon put up pictures and videos of what my eyes have seen and shouldn't have (oh no they didn't). If you would like to know more about the OTC please click on the following link and enjoy your read. You can also write me as I will be so happy to answers any questions to the best of my abilities. Off and away!!!

OTC 2008

