The Letter to the Righteous & the Hidden Innocent

(Is this a real or a fictitious letter)... read for yourself..

A Letter to the Righteous & Hidden Innocent…
I am writing this letter to let the Righteous and Hidden Innocent know I can feel your pain and focus on chosen goals. I know these days have been hard due to the many things and people coming after you. You know who you are as you are filled with great compassion, talent, spiritual gifts, excellent communication skills and a sense of humor to brighten any room. For so long you felt used and persecuted for your talents and even abandoned. I know you don’t mind the abandonment as it brings you peace of mind and more time you can spend with the spiritual family. I also know you long for connections on this 3rd dimensional plane and in hopes to find others like yourself. Please remain strong and diligent in your quest and chosen job, in addition to knowing you are loved, protected, spiritually free and most of all Known.
I am working every day to get to you, either in spirit, mind or body. I am learning to use the internet more these days, but as I master some of its technology I come across many threats. Either in a form of a technical virus or humans who seek you out daily in their daily platforms, blogs, the stealing of identities or stalking. Don’t fear as all things are temporary and has its reward. I am extremely confident in the spiritual completions and our destiny. As you all know, if we work hard at anything either good or evil it has its reward, so working towards good keeps the mind steady and secure in deeds. Keep peace around you and know true temperance. Sometimes it is better to remain silent and listen to what they desire to say. Absorb the good and comprehend the negative. Judge no one as, it is not our jobs. I humbly say this as I know you already follow the path, but sometimes even I need some reminding to stand down.
I send all the love I have and spiritual strength to you. Remain pure, continue seeking truth, and be kind to all, no matter enemy or friend. Learn new things daily and always remember to commune with (private for now) and the ancestors.
Time is close for the great change, you may be feeling anxious and excited when you wake up every morning…maybe not sleeping much, but this is good news. Take care of your health, watch what you eat and drink plenty of water. Always stay packed as you may need to leave at any moment. You will be needed by certain people around you. Use your spiritual gifts of compassion and discernment, but be cautious of those who linger too long as they may be draining and decoys. I am confident you will know who they are.
Important News Updates
I do know for thousands of years the earthly religions and political shifts have sought you out for secrets, gifts, teachings and writings. You have done well, even though some of what we know has been leaked, that was the universal plan, as we all know. It does not bring me pleasure to see what our teachings have done to the world. I am in hopes with all the changes in the world and the lack of unity, the social society may return to peace. I am sure a few will.
We are known to not give up on them, as there is still some time left. Be strong as another shift is coming in a few weeks, some of you will be called for spiritual duty. Always remember to love, forgive and most of all prepare for you chosen duty.
From (private for now)
