"The Champion"

The Champion

I now stand within the ring of life prepared to see what or who is against me
I have practiced only to receive a title that others and I can see
So much confidence I can feel, yet know the odds of a fight
No one can choose to win anything but the choice is the right
Now I wait for the motivation of a silent bell to ring
My adrenaline begins to rage and my heart begins to sing
If I fall from a hit to my mind, my heart or my soul
I will remember all of my training and the passion of self control
To look at the opponents of world that challenge who and what I am
I desire them to use anything of strength rather material, woman or a man
The time has come to use what I’ve learned to move with great command
But maybe I am meant to fall, or possibly I can truly stand
I will be the champ holding the belt that says “there is always good within me”
As I am the lover of all life that makes true champions exist to be
